I took a mock SCJA cert test for fun this morning at Java Ranch.
I have literally no theory or reading behind me yet. I scored 18 out of 36 over three sets of twelve. Some of my corrects, I am sure, were guesses. There are many questions on classes. I have to concentrate my learning there in my own time.
Update to mock test. Apparently it was SCJP, not SCJA.
Doing the mock exams are awesome. My SCJA exams are right here if you want:
It's good to do mocks long before you start thinking about scheduling an exam. You start reading terms and phrases and think 'wtf.' But then you hit those concepts during your learning, or coding, or reading, and all of a sudden a bell goes off in your head that says 'hey, I think this concept is important' and your mind perks up. So, keep taking them until the terms are rudimentary and the exams themself become incredibly simple. It WILL happen!
My first test results left something to be desired, to say the least . . . lol.
However, I missed out on two of the eleven answers due to not noticing there was two answers required per question. Here are my results:
Question 1 was incorrect. Your answer: A. Correct answer: AD
Question 2 was incorrect. Your answer: A. Correct answer: C
Question 3 was incorrect. Your answer: A. Correct answer: C
Question 4 was incorrect. Your answer: AD. Correct answer: BD
Question 5 was incorrect. Your answer: A. Correct answer: B
Question 6 was incorrect. Your answer: D. Correct answer: AD
Question 7 was correct. Your answer: B. Correct answer: B
Question 8 was correct. Your answer: C. Correct answer: C
Question 9 was incorrect. Your answer: C. Correct answer: D
Question 10 was correct. Your answer: C. Correct answer: C
Question 11 was correct. Your answer: D. Correct answer: D
The area that notifies you in the mock test that there are two answers required is very small and I overlooked this concentrating on the actual answers. Is this design for a reason?
Which test did you take? Add the link!
You won't miss it the next time you take the test.
Oh, I see the link to the exam.
LOTS of stuff in that exam that we haven't even covered. But it's really good just to take those tests, read the questions, and get exposure to the words, terms and phrases. Good work!
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